Upperroom Prayer Forum was established on the 1st of July 2019

under the leadership of pastor Felix and Hauwa Wilson. upperroom prayer forum is a non money making group. our aims and objectives is to pray for family individual, nation, marriages, etc. we meet virtually every 1st saturday of every month from 10.30pm – 12 midnight. our anchor scripture is Ephesians 6:12.

 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Our History

My Name is Dr Pastor Hauwa Tayo  Wilson  from  kwara state nigeria, i was born into a strong Muslim Family  and practice Islamic religion  100%, I am married to Pastor Felix Wilson we have 3 children.

 I had encounter with Jesus Christ  in 1996 in the Labour room as I was about to give birth to my son.  I gave her life to Christ after that encounter.

Since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour  I have been serving  Him Faithfully.

As new believer I was eager to  learn the bible  I and my husband went to an English church closer to  where we leave in United Kingdom at that time.  it is in this church  that I received the baptism of the Holy  Spirit  in 1997.

A family Friend Vicky Ndunagum invited  my husband and I for a crusade by Prophet Emmanuel Nuhu Kare of throne room Ministries when he visited london.   because of my passion for singing I joined  the choir that sang for the crusade that year.  My Husband and i  later joined CAC AGBALA itura brent cross branch London under the leadership of Pastor shina Fowowe one of the assembly Pastors. I was given the opportunity to use my God given gift that is to sing and i joined the choir. I attended regular bible study and I began to grow.  I was given another opportunity to join the prayer  intercessory group  of the church  in year 2000 and I continue to grow in the things of the Lord.

I made a vow with God that my baptism will be done in israel  in the river where Jesus  was baptism and my Vow came to fulfillment in May 2019 when i had the opportunity to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land .

I got baptised at the Jordan River in Israel by Pastor Fola Komolafe, because  of my phobia for water I tore her white cloth. At the time of my baptism  a dove appeared and stood on the rail watching me until I came out of the water ant it flew away. It was a mystery to everyone that was in the river at that time. I was happy and delighted, it further encouraged me that Jesus is alive.

On the 1st of July 2019 while at work, i had a clear voice that  said to me  call people  and began to pray.  I obeyed the voice of God and called  few friends  together   inform my husband  and we began to pray  and intercede for people from that very day for  31 days on conference line. At the end of the 31st day the group was to close down But we all agreed to continue prayer and we continue every month. 

The prayer line was busy during  Covid  and God performed His miracle in the life of a lot of people all glory  to God.

One day a Friend came to visit and we were praying with my husband asking God for what name to give the prayer Group. The word came through our friend  she said we are in  Upperroom immediately my Spirit leaped and I said yes that is the Name.

We began to call the prayer group Upperroom intercessory prayer Forum under the unction of the Holy Spirit, 

Upperroom  prayer Forum is an open Forum where anyone can join to pray  and send prayer requests to be prayed for.

I attended  fresh  inspiration bible college  and graduated  with  certificate in biblical studies and ministry  foundation. Under  the leadership of Pastor Fola and pastor kayode Komolafe of generation church milton keynes. I am a nurse and a Manager by profession.

My husband and I have been  given  back to the community in different  ways, we has been  involved  in feeding the homeless,  keep  Britain clean project  by helping to pick litters in the community to keep the community

we have participated in raising money  for Dementia UK, we are passionate  about caring for  and praying for people,  we have organise  awareness programmes for the elderly  on disease  conditions associated with old age, we organises monthly prayer  to support individuals, families,  community and country  Spiritually.

we also organise  annual  women  empowerment programmes. God gave us the grace of an outreach in November 2023, Upperroom  International outreach in co operations  with elected Women international lead by Dr Evangelist  Mary Dare which took place at CaC way of life in Ibadan  Nigeria  under the Leadership of Prophwt Samuel Jesuyinka.  people  have their eye tested for free by a qualified  optician and optamologist and glasses given to those that needed it. Blood pressure and blood glucose check with medication given to those that needed.

My Husband and i and all out children and grandchildren will continue to serve God until Jesus Return.


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Upperroom Prayer Forum

zoom Meeting


First Saturday of every Month
